The Waterfowlers
Hall of Fame
Nomination Process & Criteria
Nominating members have been directly involved with waterfowl issues for years and are knowledgeable of most contributions made by the pioneers in waterfowl-related work in California. Past and present major contributions and achievements may be recognized. To that end, the group has developed a resume of candidates for CWHF who are deceased. It is expected that the list of candidates for induction, both living and deceased, will be developed and updated by interested waterfowlers.
In order to encourage and assist in the development of a complete list of worthy candidates, the following grouping was developed along with criteria for each category.
These persons whose life's work involves management or research in the fields of wildlife biology. If work assignments involve the waterfowl resource directly, it is important to emphasize accomplishments and contributions over and above those normally associated with “doing a good job.” The longevity of outstanding contributions is important, as are details of efforts that make contributions extraordinary.
Biologists - Ten years or more of work experience in the field of biology, most of which was in the field of waterfowl biology. Details of the type of contributions or achievements that warrant WHF consideration emphasizing those waterfowl associated activities that were in addition to what would be expected in norma! or routine job performance. Creativity, enthusiasm, effort, commitment, and accomplishment are considered important aspects of above normal performance. Pointing out the impact or importance of contributions is important.
Academia - Criteria for academia are similar to those for biologists. At least ten years or more teaching or instructing experience in the wildlife biology field, most of which pertained to waterfowl biology, research or management.
It is important to identify any special contribution of a professor or their students to the understanding and management of the waterfowl resource, identifying major efforts and accomplishments outside the purview of the classroom.
Public and /or Nongovernmental Agency - Persons who are involved in the operation of organizations that manage or influence the management of the wildlife resources. Of particular interest are the persons that were/have been involved in waterfowl management for all or a significant part of their career. Be able to acknowledge important contributions to the understanding and management of California’s waterfowl. These efforts may be/have been in California, North America or international. Being able to identify the specific impacts to the waterfowl resource is desired. Measures that benefit/ed waterfowl may be recognized that were/are a direct result of job related activities as well as those special efforts not associated with assigned responsibilities. Although continuous accomplishments over time are very important, single actions may have major impacts that warrant recognition.
Elected officials who have demonstrated great interest in waterfowl issues and have significantly benefited the waterfowl resource through the sponsorship of legislation are eligible for candidacy. Actions are most recognizable if they occur overtime and repeatedly benefit the waterfowl resource. Legislators may also have demonstrated positive impact on waterfowl management programs through influence and assets that effect state, federal and non-government organizations programs. Of particular importance to California waterfowl interests are the actions that provide water needed for nesting and wintering waterfowl populations.
Hunters - Persons in this category are acknowledged for significant contributions to the management of waterfowl over a period of several years or more. Contribution may be in the form of assets, time or special understanding of the waterfowl resource. Significant improvements in waterfowl habitat in terms of regulation or water conditions are important. Significant contributions to the art of duck club management or enhancing hunting conditions on state or federal waterfowl areas are examples of activities that warrant consideration.
Conservationists - Most of the criteria used in the Hunter category applies also to Conservationists. Those criteria regarding: 1) management of waterfowl over a period of time; 2) significant improvement of vegetation and water conditions for waterfowl: and 3) major contributions of either assets or time are important considerations. Support of legislation and management actions benefiting waterfowl are examples of criteria supportive of candidacy.
Land/Habitat Manager - Criteria unique to this category involve actions that provide nesting and/or wintering waterfowl habitat through agricultural practices specifically designed to benefit the waterfowl resource. These actions are most creditable when results from improved conditions for waterfowl are evident, occur overtime, and have regional impact. Some of the criteria used in other categories such as major contribution of assets or time are also appropriate.